ATTN: Camping reservations open for the 2025 Spokumbent Retreat on 9/12/24 at 7 AM PT. Book your site by going to Washington State Parks Reservation System ( and selecting Wenatchee Confluence in the Park drop down list. If you plan to arrive earlier than the start date of June 12th, 2025, you can make your reservations now. See you there!

We moved the Saturday breakfast to the Crimson Door for 12/28/2024 ! We’re searching for a permanent location that has good food, good service and enough room to easily accommodate everyone when we have a lot of people. It helps to have an accurate head count by the day before. Update your “Going” status on Facebook or contact Carole or DD if you’re going or if your plans change.

Crimson Door at 8 AM

11003 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley

Hope to see you there!

We are a group of like-minded, crazy riders in the beautiful Spokane area but our members are from all over the Inland Northwest and beyond. Join us on FaceBook!

Upcoming Events

“To me, it doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or the sun is shining or whatever: as long as I’m riding a [trike] I know I’m the luckiest guy in the world”

— Mark Cavendish